“Misreading Earth’s Groanings: Why Evolutionists and Intelligent Design Proponents Fail Ecology 101”

Bibliographic information:

Johnson, James J. S. “Misreading Earth’s Groanings: Why Evolutionists and Intelligent Design Proponents Fail Ecology 101.” Acts & Facts 39.8 (August 2010);8-9.



This article explores how both evolutionists and Intelligent Design Movement advocates misunderstand the “how” and the “why” of Earth’s interactive ecology. Evolutionists, while ignoring the proofs of God’s wise and powerful providence in creation, focus on the “ugly” dynamics that now operate in Earth’s ecosystems (and in the lives of their component creatures), as they argue that selfishness and suffering and death support their explanation for how and why Earth is what it now is. Neo-deistic IDM advocates, on the other hand, ignore or minimize those “ugly” factors, focusing on how beautifully designed and engineered creatures are, proving that some kind of smarter-than-mankind Designer made all of these lifeforms. But both tangents miss the balanced and complete explanation of Earth’s created-wonderful-yet-now-groaning creation, because both ignore (1) the authoritative creation history of Genesis 1-3, which describes both how “very good” creation was created to be, yet how fallen it soon became (due to Adam’s sin, as Romans 5:12 clarifies), and (2) the relevant theological “why” analysis provided by Romans chapter 8.


Institute for Creation Research (website: http://www.icr.org/article/5510 )

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