Hebrews: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching

Bibliographic information:

Bateman IV, Herbert W. and Steven W. Smith. Hebrews: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching. Kerux Commentary Series. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2021.


Hebrews: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching is a volume in the Kerux Commentary series. The series is unlike other commentaries written for preachers in that it joins experts in biblical exegesis with experienced communicators of biblical truth. Together they bring a heightened refinement in the handling of the Bible. Every volume emphasizes text-based truths that bridge from the context of the original hearers and readers to the twenty-first-century world. The name kerux (KAY-rüxs) captures the aim of the series. Just as a kerux was one who proclaimed the official announcement of the king, so the forty-five volumes in this series will enable the preacher or teacher to accurately and authoritatively communicate the message of our divine King. As with every volume on the Kerux Commenatry series, Hebrews presents preaching units that offer exegetical, theological, and homiletical material to guide preachers and teachers to accurately interpret the Bible and ultimately engage today’s world.


Kregel Publications (website: https://www.kregel.com/bible-commentaries/hebrews/)

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