Only One Way? Three Christian Responses on the Uniqueness of Christ in a Religiously Plural World

Bibliographic information:

Gavin D’Costa, Paul Knitter, and Daniel Strange. Only One Way? Three Christian Responses on the Uniqueness of Christ in a Religiously Plural World. London, SCM: 2011.



This book presents three different, influential and representative theological approaches towards the world religions. Students are not only introduced to the field, but get three passionate and intelligent ‘takes’ on what is at stake. By means of a response to each of the primary essays, the authors are put into interaction with each other, and are also engaged with the most contemporary scholarship in the field of theology of religions.This sustained and high level critical interaction between the authors provides a feature that is not to be found in any other current work in theology of religions. The three views represent: conservative Roman Catholic Christianity (D’Costa), Reformed evangelical Christianity (Strange) and liberationist liberal Christianity (Knitter). This book will therefore appeal to a very wide theological market from all sections of the theological spectrum.Gavin D’Costa is Professor of Catholic Theology at the University of Bristol, UK. Paul Knitter is Paul Tillich Professor of Theology, World Religions and Culture at Union Theological Seminary, New York and Professor Emeritus of Theology at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, Daniel Strange is Tutor in Culture, Religion and Public Theology at Oak Hill Theological College, London.


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