Confronting Calvinism: A Free Grace Refutation and Biblical Resolution of Radical Reformed Soteriology

Bibliographic information:

Badger, Anthony B., Confronting Calvinism: A Free Grace Refutation and Biblical Resolution of Radical Reformed Soteriology. Lancaster, PA: CreateSpace, 2017.



This work is foundational for those who are just beginning their Christian experience as well as the well-informed Bible student who is interested in effective evangelism and the topic of salvation. It’s the ideal book for college and seminary level courses on Soteriology in that it gives a lesser known, but extensively biblical, view of the so-called “Doctrines of Grace” or “Sovereign Grace” as taught by Reformed Theology and identified by the acronym known as TULIP (i.e., Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints). Dr. Badger exposes these teachings for what they are: the abhorrent doctrinal results of the Reformation.
In the attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church a line of thought known as Calvinism, Five Point Calvinism, or Dortian Calvinism developed throughout Europe and England. For nearly 500 years since then Calvinism has run rampant over the teachings of the Bible. John Calvin, one of the leading Reformers followed Augustine’s ideas of God’s having decisively and unconditionally selected some people, but not others, for eternal salvation. Calvin popularized the notion and it became the skeleton over which the other dogmas were hung for a period of about three-quarters of a century until it was finally solidified at the Synod of Dort, Netherlands in 1619. The Five Points of Calvinism have become the heart and soul of classical Reformed Theology to this day.
Dr. Badger first explains the manner in which theology and truth claims may properly be approached, followed by a brief chapter on the history of the leaders of the Reformation. A biblical view of sin and guilt is then presented, followed by a chapter on the Calvinist’s unbiblical view of man’s Total Inability to believe the gospel offer. He explains why Total Depravity is not total inability to believe and why such teaching obscures the true nature of man as a bearer of the image of God Himself. Two chapters are devoted to the doctrine of Election and include an explanation of the Calvinist and Arminian views on the matter. Two possible alternative Free Grace solutions on the subject are given, the second of which is favored by the author. Dr. Badger then addresses the doctrine of Limited Atonement and shows it to be an unnecessary fabrication that merely concurs with Calvin’s other notions of man’s inability to believe and God’s supposed election of only some. A chapter on the supposed imposition of Irresistible Grace by the Holy Spirit (Regeneration) prior to one’s faith is shown to be anti-biblical, unreasonable, and, again, unnecessary except to uphold the other four points. The doctrine that Saints (believers) must persevere in the Christian faith and in holiness until the end of their lives to be assured of a heavenly destiny is also exposed as a malevolent attempt to herd the “sheep” in a good direction, but with the use of a bad method. Threatening expulsion to Hell is not a proper method for discipleship, is legalistic, and is similar to someone saying that “the floggings will continue until the morale improves!” In all of this, Dr. Badger explains the Arminian position, as well, and shows where they also fall short of a biblical understanding. Six helpful appendices follow the ten information filled chapters.
Underlying the logical evaluations and biblical solutions in this work is a solidly biblical Free Grace foundation. Free Grace Theology presents God’s offer of everlasting life as a free gift to anyone who believes in Jesus for it. Salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (really alone!). Discipleship is to follow in the Christian life, but the results of one’s Christian walk will vary on an individual basis, but at no time is one’s performance a criterion for receiving the free gift of eternal life or for either retaining or proving it.
Calvinistic TULIP is here not only confronted and challenged, but absolutely terminated.


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