Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique, 2nd Edition

Bibliographic information:

Burgos Jr., Michael R. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical Theological Critique, 2nd Edition, (Winchester: Church Militant Pub., 2017).



This book provides an exegesis of key biblical texts and demonstrates by virtue of critical interaction with Oneness exegesis and hermeneutics, that the theology proper of Oneness Pentecostalism does not accord with the God revealed in the Bible. Using the biblical text as the standard by which all doctrine is adjudicated, it is argued that the Oneness Pentecostal doctrine of God does not have continuity with the nature of God. Rather, Scripture supports trinitarianism in so far as it presents a divine Son who eternally preexisted his birth and was co-existent with his Father. New to the 2nd Ed. (2017) is approximately sixty pages of new material, including two appendices and a chapter dealing with the OT.


Church Militant Publications

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